How to Make a Replica Luxury Crocodile Leather Lady Dior Bag

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3, whatsapp +8615939201070For all the bag lovers, sometimes we are tired of sense of  calfskin and lambskin style. We need some special and rare leather to attract our interests. Just like the python leather and crocodile leather or ostrich leather. But the price is too high to get one. Thousands of dollars means that not everyone can afford it. Maybe that’s only for rich people, we only could do is to admire them.

Wait a second, you can have another choice, a mirror replica bag with luxury leather. That’s one of our customers’ order. She customerized a hand-make Dior Lady dior bag in genuine green crocodile leather, it is beautiful and elegant. I will share the process for you.

First, we need select the good quality crocodile leather. Don’t worry about the source of the leather, it is been imported by South Africa.  Cut the leather into pieces.


Then our craftsman will seam the leather togather by hands, just like the making course of genuine luxury band bags.  A bag body is coming out now !


After about two weeks, the bag is finished, let’s see the details.

 Luxury Crocodile Leather Lady Dior Bag QQ图片20170728095442QQ图片20170728095509QQ图片20170728095449QQ图片20170728095355QQ图片20170728095521QQ图片20170728095527

This bag cost $4388, ten persent of the real crocodile bag, almost equal to your one month salary, but you can own a really luxuries bag, it can carry for some important occasion, and will never outdated.  If you have some ideas, please email me via, we have a fabulous site to sell amazing things. You must like it.



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